How to Set Goals as a Couple and Achieve Them

Setting goals as a couple is necessary if you want to have a happy and healthy marriage. You may not ever reach the finish line and obtain what you want, but the path of getting there is where you get your fulfillment. Don’t get us wrong, is it essential to work on couple goals but if you have individual goals, your spouse should be the biggest cheerleader in your corner.

To remain a strong couple, boost your bond, and obtain the level of quality you want out of your union, a couple step can be followed. Motivate, support, and climb the ladder of success together. Even if you don’t make it, the journey is guaranteed to be rewarding.

Take a Look Back

The most effective way of setting goals for the future is by looking backward. You have to sit down as a couple and review what you’ve already achieved together. If you instantly jump in and start planning for the future, you end up setting your aims too high. When you try to line your goals up with what other couples are doing or put ideas in each other’s heads of impossible situations, it’s going to do more harm than good.

Don’t review the successes you’ve made from the start of your relationship. That’s daunting and overwhelming. Instead, check over the past year or so. Think of where you started a year ago and consider all the advancements you’ve made since then.

Even if you haven’t been in the honeymoon stage for a very long time, or if you’ve been fighting a lot, there’s a good chance you’ve learned something along the way, and that’s an accomplishment.

Find Common Ground

What do you both relate to the most? Do you like to go on vacation? Do you enjoy working on things around the house? Are you interested in learning something new? Is increasing the time you spend together important? 

Think about all of the goals you have for your marriage independently. List them and then come together as a couple and see where there are commonalities. Choose three, and work towards those. Realistically, you can select as many as you want, but again, you don’t want to set your relationship up for failure by making your objective unrealistic.

Follow the Rules

You can make your own rules for your goal-achieving strategies as a duo, but the should include these three at a minimum:

  1. Make one fun! If everything on your goal list involves spending money or hard work, it’s going to turn into a chore rather than something fun, and you’ll both lose interest.

  2. The goals have to be something you can measure. Ideally, you should choose things that you can check in on from time to time, but you should at least be able to gauge whether or not you’ve obtained it or at the very least how far you’ve gotten within a year.

  3. Keep the most critical goals to a year. Sure, you can plan to move to Florida and retire wealthy, healthy, and happy, but the goals your setting as a couple for right now should be able to be completed within 12 months.

Make Sure the Goals Are Positive

When you’re setting goals, either individually or as a couple, they should make you feel great. If you’ve put plans down that cause stress or frustration, you need to change them now.

Keep Yourself in the Mix

While you’re working on goals with your partner, be sure that you’re not pushing your dreams off to the side. Being happy with your personal achievements is just as crucial to the relationship because if you’re not satisfied, it will come out to your partner negatively. Include your partner in your personal goals as well, because if they are your spouse, they should be willing to help you with your hopes for the future and vice versa.

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